[Update as of 8 April]
Find out more about the progress of the project with some stories located in our blogposts:
(1) The Heart of Many Community Parents for Their Children
(2) Project Sinar Updates – What Keeps Us Going
We have also shared an update on how your funding has helped these families located HERE. We hope that these updates will keep you informed as to how we can continue to help the families in need.
[Update as of 26 March]
With the extra funds that we have received, we will be covering the current 150 families with supplies until the extended MCO of 14 April 2020. In addition to that, we will be increasing the number of families receiving aid to 300 families. As our teams continue to work hard to reach out the families, you can also continue to give through direct bank transfers at
Bank Name: Alliance Bank Berhad Account
Name: Yayasan Generasi Gemilang
Account Number: 1218 1001 0022398
Remark: Covid19
Direct transfers will allow us to get the supplies for the families quicker. Otherwise, you can also give through our website link www.gengemilang.org/donate.
If you require a receipt, please email to finance@gengemilang.org the following information
1) Name as per IC
2) Donation Amount
3) Mobile No.
However, please note that there will be a delay in issuing receipts for donations due to the Movement Control Order (MCO) where our teams are working remotely. We will furnish you with your receipt as soon as possible.
More FAQs are listed below.
[Update as of 24 March]
We spent the past 2 days compiling and calling the families who were referred to us and the many stories we heard from their sharing broke our hearts. While some really had nothing much to go on or were even genuinely in fear of the situation, we did our best to share hope and words of encouragement with the families. As we chatted with them just to find out how they were doing, many were encouraged that someone called and cared for them. #kitajagakita
As such we would like to share some updates we have:
1. We are still in the midst of calling and screening the families with high needs to deliver aid to first.
2. We aim to distribute the food within this week as the high need families are slowly running out of food.
3. We are working with other local NGOs in the communities to ensure that efforts are not duplicated.
4. We are complying with the Movement Control Order (MCO) as much as possible with the aid to reduce any potential risks.
We’re also glad to have received support by Marina Mahathir. You can read about it HERE.
[Update as of 22 March]
Even in the shadow of a nationwide MCO, we see the light of humanity shine brighter than ever!
Because of your amazing generosity, we have exceeded our targeted amount of RM30,000 and have received RM150,000 so far! We are incredibly touched at how quickly everyone was able to lend help and support to those in real need. The funds received will enable us to INCREASE provisions for the families from RM100 to RM200 a week and to provide support for 4 weeks. We will focus on disbursing what we have received in a timely and effective manner from next week.
Given the uncertainty of the duration of the MCO, we will continue to use all funds collected towards supporting the work amongst low-income families.
Stay tuned to our social media for the latest on how this is progressing.
For those who have donated and are requesting receipts, we can only issue them after the MCO is lifted and the team is able to resume working at our office premises again. Thank you for understanding.
We have been receiving requests from the families we work with to provide food supplies during this time of movement control order (MCO) by the government. Many are not able to work due to the MCO or have mobility challenges that prevent them from getting to the shops for supplies, losing access to basic needs.
In response to that, we want to step up and help by raising RM30,000 to provide 150 families from low-income communities with RM100 for food supplies & over the counter medication per week for 2 weeks so that they are able to continue their livelihood during this time.
These families currently reside in selected People’s Public Housing (PPR) communities – urban poor communities, vulnerable to risk without sufficient savings or stable income sources to support them through times of crisis.
If you are interested to give, you can give through direct bank transfers at
Bank Name: Alliance Bank Berhad
Account Name: Yayasan Generasi Gemilang
Account Number: 1218 1001 0022398
Remark: Covid19
Direct transfers will allow us to get the supplies for the families quicker. Otherwise, you can also give through our website link www.gengemilang.org/giving.
We encourage everyone to continue to share in the efforts of helping those in need even with social distancing. This is the best time to stand united as Malaysians for one another. Together, we can make a difference. #stayhomestaysafe #kitajagakita
You can also check out https://www.kitajaga.us/ to find out more about other efforts by other NGOs across Malaysia.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. I have some extra food, can I donate my extra food instead?
For now we would like to send every family a standard box of similar items hence it would be better if all the families all received a supply of similar items.
2. Why are you providing over the counter medication?
Some families have reached out to us saying that they require certain simple medication for their ill child / family members and we have seen this to be a need hence we are providing this as an additional aid where necessary to the families.
We will be getting the supplier to pack the food and work with the local authorities or utilise delivery options that still abides by the guidelines outlined by the MCO.
4. How will the funds be used?
The funds will be collected into a pool and be used to provide for these families as we identify their needs. If there are excess funds remaining after the COVID-19 or Movement Control Order (MCO) period, we will continue to support the families through our Family Support Program (FamsUP)
5. Can I give through credit card instead of bank transfer?
Yes, our website giving link accepts most payment methods. However bank transfers remains the most direct and immediate way for us to channel the funding into preparing what the families need in the shortest amount of time.
6. Will you be extending this aid to other communities?
Due to the lack in resources for now, we are only extending help to the communities we work with, namely PPR Taman Putra Damai, PPR Beringin, and PPR Sri Pantai. There are other NGOs and initiatives out there who are also doing their part in the areas of their communities as well. Many hands make work light and we believe if everyone does a small part, many will receive help.
7. Can I get a receipt for my donation?
If you require a receipt, please email to finance@gengemilang.org the following information
1) Name as per IC
2) Donation Amount
3) Mobile No.
However, please note that there will be a delay in issuing receipts for donations due to the Movement Control Order (MCO) where our teams are working remotely. We will furnish you with your receipt as soon as possible.
7. Are my donations tax exempted?
For now, all donations to us are not tax exempted as we are in the midst of working to get our tax exemption status.
About Generasi Gemilang
YAYASAN GENERASI GEMILANG (GG) is a foundation inspired by Love to raise an exemplary next generation and empower families in Malaysia. Our mission is to improve the lives of under-served children and families by increasing access to quality education. We serve children and families from urban low-income and rural communities, under-served institutions and schools. Governed by a Board of Trustees, GG is based in the Klang Valley and conducts services throughout Malaysia. You can read more about us HERE.