We believe that every young person has the potential to succeed, regardless of circumstances, when given the right values and tools to thrive. At GG, we invest in the lives of our next generation, inspiring hope and empowering them to live to their fullest potential. Just as a foundation is to a building, so is character to a person. By instilling positive life values as the foundation, we hope to develop positive characters in our young people. While investing in their lives, we also address the vital context of the family, working to strengthen relationships within families, schools, and communities. The family unit is a key pillar in a young person’s life – stronger families mean a stronger next generation.
It is our dream to see Malaysia thrive. Part of that vision includes involving stakeholders across all sectors – private and public; from community leaders to government agencies, corporations and other like-minded organisations. We believe that this integrated stakeholder approach towards sustainable community transformation will result in the enrichment of many young lives and their families. We are thankful for the tremendous progress in our private and public sector collaborations and have many great partnerships and success stories to tell.
Yet at the very heart of it all, our core remains simple. We are all powered and driven by one simple fact in everything that we do. The belief that ‘Love’ transforms lives. It is not about our programmes, it has always and will always be about people. Borrowing a quote from Paul Shane Spear: “As one person I cannot change the world but I can change the world of one person”.
Daniel Tan, Founder
Generasi Gemilang (GG), which means ‘Glorious Generation’ in Bahasa Malaysia, is the realisation of the vision of its Founder, Daniel Tan. His desire to positively influence the nation and impact the next generation was birthed and nurtured with the support of Sidang Injil Borneo Kuala Lumpur (SIBKL).
GG’s aim since inception has always been to positively impact lives in Malaysia regardless of race, religion and background. The initial stages of GG began in 2008 as a series of programmes led by Daniel and four like-minded friends, called Project Generasi Gemilang. These programmes served as a platform to connect and build relationships with youth in schools; tackling relevant issues such as relationships, peer pressure and Internet addiction. Pioneering programmes included Cyber Wellness and VERVE; programmes that focused on mentoring youth to be positive and balanced online users, and character building.
Daniel and his friends eventually decided to form an official organisation to continue this work of raising an exemplary next generation in Malaysia. Generasi Gemilang was officially registered with the Registry of Societies (ROS) as a not-for-profit social welfare organisation in March 2010.
Much was also invested in children’s homes and under-served communities to build self-worth, purpose and values into children and equip families with practical tools to thrive. Through on-ground work, sustainable cross-sectoral partnerships were formed with corporations such as Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad (PAMB), Nippon Paint (M) Sdn Bhd, Danone Dumex (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, Microsoft Malaysia and government agencies such as the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development (KPWKM), the Department of Social Welfare (JKM), The Multimedia Development Corporation (MDec) and the National Council of Welfare and Social Development Malaysia (MAKPEM).
In December 2014, Yayasan Generasi Gemilang was incorporated as a charitable foundation.
Yayasan Generasi Gemilang was granted tax exemption status by LHDN