Since Generasi Gemilang started the homework guidance program (Pusat Bimbingan Pelajar or PBP) in an urban poor community 4 years ago, many youth from the community had went from ‘E’ (fail) to ‘D’ (pass) to ‘A’ (distinction) in their Mathematics and English. This wouldn’t be possible without volunteers who give their time and attention to the community youth.
This year, as we have more youth joining our program, there is a greater need for volunteers, and we need your help. Just 2 hours a week, come mentor our youth in one of the following:
- Primary English – Tuesdays, 3-5pm
- Primary Mathematics – Thursdays, 3-5pm
- Secondary English – Thursdays, 7:30pm – 9:30pm)
- Secondary Mathematics – Saturdays, 9:30am – 11:30am
“Education is the key to break poverty cycle”. If you already have your key, maybe it’s time to help others to find theirs.
To sign up as volunteer, visit tiny.cc/ggvolunteerform.