Imagine if you couldn’t read this sentence
No matter how hard you strained
The words simply would not form
Your eyes remain untrained
Your teachers think you’re slow
And lack a span of attention
But really you’re just in need
Of a slight visual correction
You see, every single day
Students go to school
Without clear vision
Which is really quite cruel
This may lead to students
Being expelled or suspended
It’s an eye-opening problem
Pun intended.
Hope for the hopeless,
Could it be?
Or are my eyes simply
Playing tricks on me.
Yayasan Generasi Gemilang
In partnership with Vision Space
Bring hope to the hopeless
In this form of grace
Free vision for the needy
That is our aim
Bringing sight back into classrooms
through each spectacle frame
So now you may ask,
What is it I can do?
Good question dear reader,
Let me tell you
If you have pre-loved spectacle frames
That you don’t need anymore
You could drop by our office
And we’ll meet you at the door
When you bless someone with vision,
Their eyes will see clearly
But what you can see
Is how they’ll appreciate you dearly.
Editor’s Note:
Richard was inspired to pen this poem after visiting schools across the Klang Valley together with our partner, Vision Space Optometrist, to personally carry out vision checks for school children from low-income families who cannot afford spectacles. There are many children that aren’t able to see what is being taught in class, because of a simple and solvable issue. Here’s how we’re solving it and how you can join us.