Just before the year ends, we thought we’d come up with a list of 6 things that we’re thankful for in 2016.
#1 – Breakfast For Children in Miri

Thanks to the help of some donors, we were able to extend our Super Sarapan program to provide breakfast for 160 children in 4 Miri schools! We also want to thank our Miri volunteers who helped ensure that the program kicked off properly and food quality was maintained in the schools. More children now have breakfast to fill their stomachs thanks to you.
#2 – Opportunities To Share Our Work

We were honored to have been invited to the many events held in conjunction with the Microsoft Philantrophist week back in June. It was there that we got to share our experiences to fellow NGOs and Microsoft Staff. As a recipient of the Microsoft YouthSpark Grant, the support given to us by Microsoft Malaysia has been immense. And we were glad that the Microsoft Philantrophist team were able to finally meet some beneficieries of the Next Gen XLR8 program they have funded. We’re thankful for the trust given to us and we hope that we’ll be able to run more of the program in approved schools next year.
#3 – Advocates Against Cyberbullying

Generasi Gemilang has always been an advocate for Cyber Wellness and being able to partner DiGi CyberSAFE in their initiative against Cyberbullying was really one of the highlights of our year. Through a simple game using words, children got to experience how words can hurt or heal someone and most importantly, they learned how to be an upstander–to stand up for those who are being cyberbullied. We are grateful that more children now have the awareness on how to help a friend in the cyberworld.
#4 – Partners Who Invest In Education

Each year, after the Form 5s finish their SPM examinations, most of them start working because their education stops there. Thanks to partners like Newfields who see the value of investing in education, two of our students from PBP were able to receive scholarships to pursue tertiary education after their SPM. Our other partner Chek Hup also understood the importance of building a child’s ability to read in order for them to be successful in life, which is why they’ve been sponsoring our Community Reading Program (CRP) without fail for the past 2 years. It warms our heart to know that there is hope for a better future for our next generation.
#5 – Increased Financial Protection

This year, the free financial protection plan PRUkasih has extended their coverage to more low-income communities, some as far as Johor! For families who have sole breadwinners in the family, it’s never easy when the breadwinner falls sick or passes away. But with PRUkasih, the families have a something to fall back on and this will definitely ease their financial worries. We’re thankful for partners like Prudence Foundation uses their expertise to give back to the community.
#6 – Volunteers Whose Love Transforms Lives

We cannot stress enough how much every single volunteer means to us. Your time with us is so much more than just mentoring a youth, hugging a baby, teaching a toddler, facilitating a group, conducting a survey, or painting a children’s home. We believe that every single act you do is done out of love and lives will be transformed because of it. We’re definitely grateful for you!
Thank you for a wonderful year and let’s make more waves in 2017 together!